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Your ePemula Application Status

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Published 1 year ago

Learn more about ePemula's Eligible Transactions

Wondering what happens after you apply for your ePemula credits? Let us help you get to the bottom of it!

What happens after I submit my ePemula application?

Thank you for choosing BigPay as the e-wallet to apply for your ePemula RM150 credits. Once your application is submitted, your application will be reviewed within 72 hours.

You should see the following waiting screen:

Apakah langkah seterusnya selepas saya memohon untuk kredit ePemula saya?

Terima kasih kerana memilih BigPay sebagai e-dompet untuk memohon kredit ePemula RM150 anda. Setelah menghantarkan permohonan anda, team kami akan membuat verifikasi dalam masa 72 jam dan anda akan mendapat skrin ini:

Your ePemula Application Status

Within the 72 hours check- you should be receiving an updated screen in your BigPay app if your application is successful or rejected after our dedicated team performs the necessary checking:

  • For an application that is approved, congratulations - the RM150 will be credited instantly in the ePemula sub-wallet!

Dalam tempoh semakan 72 jam- anda akan menerima skrin yang dikemas kini dalam aplikasi BigPay anda jika permohonan anda berjaya atau ditolak selepas team berdedikasi kami melakukan semakan yang diperlukan.

Untuk permohonan yang diluluskan, tahniah - RM150 akan dikreditkan serta-merta dalam sub-dompet ePemula!

Your ePemula Application Status

Congrats on getting your ePemula credit!

Syabas kerana mendapat kredit ePemula anda!

What happens if my application gets rejected?

For an application that is rejected, unfortunately, you will be receiving the rejection message in your BigPay app such as the following screens and kindly chat with us as we are ready to further assist you.

Your application might be rejected for the following reasons:

  1. Your NRIC details entered do not match your actual identification. Please double check your details

  2. You might have claimed the ePemula credit with another e-wallet already

If you still face any issues, please contact us via our in-app chat and we would be glad to assist you with any problems you face!

Apakah langkah seterusnya jikalau permohonan saya ditolak?

Untuk permohonan yang ditolak, malangnya, anda akan menerima mesej penolakan dalam aplikasi BigPay anda seperti skrin berikut.

Permohonan ePemula and mungkin ditolak atas sebab berikut:

1. Butiran NRIC anda yang dimasukkan tidak sepadan dengan pengenalan sebenar anda. Sila semak semula butiran anda

2. Anda mungkin telah menuntut kredit ePemula dengan e-dompet lain

Sila berbual dengan kami tentang isu ini. Kami bersedia untuk membantu anda selanjutnya.

Your ePemula Application Status

Facing an application issue? Please chat with us by tapping Settings> Support> Chat with us, and we are ready to assist you further.

Mempunyai isu dengan aplikasi ePemula anda? Sila sembang dengan kami: Klik Settings > Support > Chat with us, dan kami bersedia untuk membantu anda dengan lebih lanjut.

Written by

Tashya Viknesh

A seasoned, full-stack marketer with 7 years of experience in the beautiful world of digital marketing who has a love for writing.

๐Ÿ‘‡ Follow my journey on my social media accounts ๐Ÿ‘‡

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