Use this code when you search for flights on AirAsia:
Enjoy these perks when booking with BigPay:
Get 5% off on top of other promo fares. Stack your savings easily.
No limit to how much discount you can get. Book for your friends and family too.
Use it as many times as you want. Book all your flights with BigPay.
Follow these steps to get your discount:
Input your preferred travel details,
type in the code BIGPAY5 and press search
Select your preferred flights and add-ons and input your personal information
Checkout and pay with either your physical or virtual BigPay card
Here's more reasons why you'll love BigPay for traveling:
Turn shopping sprees into flight discounts
Spend at over 45 million merchants worldwide to earn airasia points when you shop with BigPay
Easily track your holiday expenses
Track and categorise your budget wherever you go
Automatic currency conversions
Skip the money changer. BigPay converts your money to the currency of your destination
Better ATM withdrawals abroad
Not everywhere is cashless, so use your BigPay card to withdraw money overseas ATM for a flat fee.
Terms and conditions apply. Malaysia T&Cs. Singapore T&Cs.